

Security from planning through development into operation

Short for Development, Security, Operations, DevSecOps is a development methodology that bakes in security from planning through development into operation. Development occurs at a speed and a scale previously unattainable through software factories such as USAF Platform One and Kessel Run, among many others. Deployments occur in days rather than months or even years using automated tools, services, and standards which enable programs to rapidly develop, secure, deploy, and operate products.

USAF Software Factory

Technergetics Platform Engineering subject matter experts support various USAF Software Factory Efforts through Everything as Code (EAC) automation – Virtual Machine/Container Provisioning and Lifecycle, Network, Storage, Security Configurations and Application Environments.


Supported the USAF VI2E environment by automated Infrastructure configuration with Puppet, Ansible, and Clair in AWS GovCloud; creating repeatable, automated process to ensure compliance.

Secure Delivery

Leading USAF Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Pipeline strategy to move software and artifacts across enclaves with AWS Diode, greatly streamlining high side development and ATO processing.

Want to learn more about DevSecOps?

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